いれたてはもちろん、時間が経っても渋みが出ず、変わらず美味しくいただけます。 * Delicious at home and abroad *
I understand it when carried around
Deliciousness that does not change over time
Please put it in a tumbler and carry around, you can understand the charm of Yame waka tea.
Not to mention freshly baked, of course, it will not be astringent even if time passes, it will not change as it is delicious.

さっぱりとした後口、ほのかなコク、強すぎない香りがどんな食べ物にも、どんなシチュエーションにもピッタリ! * Perfect for Japanese or Western *
Any dish
In any situations
Fresh mouth, hints of richness, scent that is not too strong for any food, perfect for any situations!

紅茶ではなく『和紅茶』だという、個性がしっかりと感じられます。 * Ice or hot to suit your mood *
There is a proper presence
Individuality not claiming
I have no strong taste or aroma, but
The unique flavor and deep richness of tea exists firmly ...
It is not black tea but "Japanese black tea", I feel a personality firmly.
明治のロマンを再現しました 福岡県の八女地方は、緑茶の産地として知られいますが、 牛島製茶では、平成19年よりこの和紅茶を製品としてリバイバルしはじめました。 今では、香味紅茶や、リーフ、ティーパック、茶葉を利用したスイーツ等の商品作りまで I reproduced the Meiji romance Yame region in Fukuoka prefecture is known as a place of green tea production, but At Ushijima tea, we began to revival this Japanese tea as a product from Heisei era 2007. Now making products such as flavored tea, leaf, tea packs, sweets using tea |

八女産紅茶の落ち着いた苦みの中にほんのりとした甘みをお楽しみください。 Yame hand picked Japanese black tea
It is luxury Japanese black tea which hand picked only good tea leaves with human eyes.
Tea ceremony made carefully with valuable hand picking has exquisite taste depth.
Please enjoy a slight sweetness in the calm bitterness of Yame tea.

3種類の風味をお楽しみください。 Yame tea Plain / Ginger / Yuzu
Tea-packing Japanese tea convenient for daily use.
Blend tea with three Yame Producers and feel the sweetness of nature
I made use of the unique characteristics of Yame tea leaves.
Please enjoy 3 kinds of flavor.