やすらぎ、香る Relaxing fragrance
"Could many people taste safe and really good tea!"
I go from such feelings to production, manufacturing processing and sale by our company completely with an in-house tea plantation by Ushijima tea manufacture.
With really good tea filled with our feelings, we hope many people would enjoy themselves.

▼ 動画でご覧いただけます ▼
Watch the video to learn
▼ how to brew delicious tea. ▼
お茶を楽しむ Enjoy green tea

八女茶ができるまでHow Yame tea is made
At Ushijima Seicha, we have been offering Yame tea factory tours for over five years, showing the tea fields where Yame tea is cultivated and the tea factory where Yame tea is manufactured. We are looking forward to seeing you.
Ushijima Seicha's Yame tea is produced by Ushijima Seicha, which handles the whole process from tea plantations to production, sales, and delivery to customers. Please take a look at the secret behind the delicious tea delivered directly from the farm in Yame, Fukuoka.
日本茶AWARDJapanese tea award
八女茶「定庵こうき」は、2022フランス・パリ品評会"Japanese Tea Selection Paris"におい て最優秀賞を獲得。他にも数々の受賞歴のある希少な茶葉です。
The Yame tea “Jyouan Kouki” won the first place in the deep-steamed sencha (other than uncoated) category selected from over 400 excellent teas at the Japan Tea Award 2017This is a video that conveys the atmosphere of the Nippon Tea Awards, which received the Platinum Award. Please have a look.
茶collaborationTea collaboration
「NIPPONIAHOTEL 八女福島商家町」様の制作動画内で八女への思い、八女中央大茶園を舞台とした八女大茶園テラスにて提供する八女茶について、お話させていただいてます。
温故知新。歴史のある福岡の八女茶を大切に淹れながらも、普段飲んでいるお茶をもっと自分らしく楽しく淹れる事が学べる場としたいと考えております。ご予約、料金詳細は「TEA HOTELで過ごすNIPPONIA HOTEL 八女福島商家町」へお問い合わせください。
In the production video of "NIPPONIA HOTEL Yame Fukushima Merchant Town", I would like to talk about my thoughts on Yame and the Yame tea served at the Yame Tea Garden Terrace, which is set in the Yame Central Tea Garden.
Learning from the past. We would like to make it a place where you can learn how to brew the tea you usually drink in a more personal way while carefully brewing Yame tea from Fukuoka, which has a long history. For reservations and price details, please contact "NIPPONIA HOTEL Yame Fukushima Merchant Town at TEA HOTEL".
八女のお越しの際に、ちょっと贅沢な八女の旅、八女茶の時間、八女中央大茶園を満喫できるツアーをぜひお楽しみください。ご予約、料金詳細は「TEA HOTELで過ごすNIPPONIA HOTEL 八女福島商家町」へお問い合わせください。
Spend time at TEA HOTEL NIPPONIA HOTEL Yame Fukushima Merchant Town
At our shop, we helped develop the contents of the large tea garden terrace where you can enjoy Yame tea and tea fields set in the Yame Central Grand Tea Garden. We have created a concept video for this time, so please let us know.
When visiting Yame, please enjoy a slightly luxurious trip to Yame, a time for Yame tea, and a tour where you can fully enjoy the Yame Central Tea Garden. For reservations and price details, please contact "NIPPONIA HOTEL Yame Fukushima Merchant Town at TEA HOTEL" .
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It is an overseas brand site specialized in Yame powered by Ushijima tea.
We launched this site from the desire to deliver Matcha, which is more enjoyable and easier to enjoy than many people in the world.
We will deliver Japanese green tea to the world with our hospitality
It is the heart of MATCHACOCORO.